Aprol 275 Mg 20 Tablets ingredient Naproxen Sodium View larger

Aprol (Naproxen Sodium) 20 Tablets

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Aprol 275 Mg 20 Tablets ingredient  Naproxen Sodium

APROL® 275 mg film coated tablet is

taken orally.

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2 5% Up to $2.40
3 10% Up to $7.20
4 15% Up to $14.40
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• Excipients:

Microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, polyvinylpyrrolidone, magnesium stearate, hydroxypropyl

methylcellulose, polyethylene glycol, titanium dioxide, erythrocyte, quinoline yellow, FD & C Blue 2 / Indigo


Pleasethis INSTRUCTIONS carefully before using this medicine.


• Keep these instructions for use. You can need to read again.

• If you have other questions, please talk your doctor or pharmacist.

• This medicine has been prescribed for you personally, please do not give it to others.

• Whenthis medicinedoctor that you are taking this medicinego to a doctor or hospital

using, tell yourwhen you.

• Follow the instructions in this manual. Dohighother than the recommended dose for the

not useor low dosesdrug.

In these operating instructions:

1. What is APROL and what is it used for?

2. Things to consider before using APROL

3. How to use APROL?

4. What are the possible side effects?

5. Storage of APROL

Headings are included.

1. What is APROL and why is it used?

• APROL isbl APROL enton the other side with pink, double-edged, biconvex, rounded, one-face notched

offered in blister packs of 10 and 20 tablets consisting of film-coated tablets withlettering.

• APROL is a medicine that has pain-relieving effects from the group of drugs that are effective on pain and inflammation (NSAIDs).


•of the articular cartilage due to trauma or other conditions, pain and

articular inflammationloss of function,

• painful joint inflammation in the joints of the hands and feet,,

• ankylosing spondylitis, a disease similar to rheumatoid arthritisespecially in the spine,

• due to a problem in the breakdown of protein. connective tissue andin articular cartilage

severe pain observed gout), such as inflammation, in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis relief and (acuteanalgesics,

• acute musculo-skeletal (bone) system pains,

• in order to provide relief for pain associated with the menstrual pain,

• orthopedic and surgical operations pain as breaker,


2. Things to consider before using

APROL DO NOT USE APROL in the following situations

Cardiovascular system risks -

NSAIDs can cause fatal, thrombotic (coagulation-related) events,heart attack and stroke

an increased risk of. This risk may increase depending on the duration of use. Patients with cardiovascular

disease or cardiovascular disease risk factorshave a higher riskmay.

- APROL should not be used to treat pain prior to coronary artery by-pass surgery.

Risks related to the digestive system

- NSAIDsseriousthat may be fatal, such as bleeding, wound formation, stomach or intestinal perforation

causeundesirable effects. These undesirable effects canat any time,a warning

occurwith or without. Elderly patientsthese serious effects are at higher risk for.


•allergic to medicines that contain naproxen or naproxen sodium, do not use

If you areacetylsalicylic acid or other pain, fever, and inflammation-associated medicationsskin

, such asrash, hives, asthma syndrome, colds and nasal cavities

• Do not use if you have previously used pain, fever and inflammation that hasgastrointestinal

causedbleeding or damage, or if you still have an active or recurrent stomach and

duodenal ulcer, two or more times, if you have had a diagnosis of ulcer or bleeding

• Do not use if you have severe kidney, liver, or heart failure.

• Do not use before and after coronary artery bypass surgery.

• Do not use if you are breastfeeding or if you are in the last 3 months of your pregnancy.


• Avoid using with any of the group of medications effective for pain, fever and inflammation.

• Using the lowest dose,unwanted, as soon as necessary to ensure treatment

you can minimizeeffects.

• If you have a previous serious gastrointestinal disorder or symptoms,treatment

bleeding, ulcers or damage may develop at any time during.that may occur

Depending on the bleeding, darkening of the stool color, blood coming from the mouth, symptomsindigestion

ofmay occur.of the serious gastrointestinalassociated with pain, fever and inflammation have emerged in

Mostdisorderselderly and disabled patients. For this reason,ulcers, bleeding and

if you have severe gastrointestinal discomfort such asdamage, your doctortotreatment with the lowest dose and

youstartuse some protective drugs (such as misoprostol or proton pump

will adviseinhibitors). Iflow-dose acetylsalicylic acid orgastrointestinal

useother drugs that may causebleeding,a protective drug

you need toyou will also need to take.

• If you have an inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease),ailments

increase the severity of your, pain, fever and inflammation-use drugs carefully. If youbefore

have had bowel poisoning,any signs of abdominal discomfort (diarrhea, vomiting, weight

report to your doctor in case ofloss).case of gastrointestinal bleeding or ulceration

Do not continue to use APROL in.

• If you have stomach bowel disease, please use APROL for doctor control.

• As with other pain, fever, and inflammatory drugs, the incidence andgastrointestinal disorders

severity ofmay increase with the APROL dose and duration of treatment.

•oral contraceptives, medications to prevent blood clotting such as warfarin,

usingulcerations such as acetylsalicylic acid or drugs that can increase the risk of bleeding

Care should be taken when.

• Elderly patientsat theincrease the incidence of severe gastrointestinal bleeding and damage

should use APROLlowest dose in order to.

•of exfoliation, mucosal damage or hypersensitivityskin

Do not continue to use APROL in caseof the, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

•allergies such as swelling of the face and throat, narrowing of the bronchi (asthma) and coldness

Carefully use for. In patients with asthma or allergic disease or acetylsalicylic acid sensitivity

, spasm formation may be accelerated in bronchi.

• APROLinwith kidney disease, as with other pain, fever and inflammation effective drugs

should be used with cautionpatients.in your blood volume or kidney blood flow

if youa discomfort, heart failure, impaired liver function

Be carefulhave. Your doctor will reduce the APROL dose you use.

• As with other pain, fever and inflammatory drugs, APROLliver function test

may cause elevations in your.impaired liver function

Caution should be exercised against signs and symptoms showing(nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, itching,

jaundice, pain in the upper right of the abdomen, flu-like symptoms)., including jaundice and hepatitis

Care should be taken against severe liver disorders.

• Naproxen sodium in your blood, clotting involved in clotting involved in

reducing the time of hemorrhage prolongs bleeding time, if you have clotting discomfort,doctor

continue to APROL treatment under the supervision of a. When using APROL, you may haveif you have a high risk of bleeding or if you are taking

an increased risk of bleedinga medication that prevents blood clotting.

• Have eye examinations if your eyesight is impaired when using APROL.

•risk of fluid retention and edema caused by drugs effective from pain, fever and inflammation

careful when using APROL if you have a high blood pressure problem or heart failure due to the Be.

• If you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart failure due to heart

failure, edema, liver disease if you have a significant disease, if you have a diseaseinsufficient

due toblood supply, please inform your doctor. Your doctor

will consider these ailments during treatment with APROL.

• In cases where there is a high risk of cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure, diabetes,

smoking) your doctor will takethese conditions for your long-term treatment with APROL into account.

• As with other pain, fever and inflammation drugs, APROLorhospital

can cause serious side effects such as heart attack or stroke that can result in deathdeath in the. Although theserious

events related to thecardiovascular system may occur without any stimulus symptoms

if symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, difficulty in speech are

, contact your doctorobserved.

• Cautionbe used with caution in those at risk of Alzheimer's disease (disease characterized by forgetfulness) should.

Please consultdoctorthese warnings are valid for you, even at any time in the past
