Cafergot 1 Mg 20 Tablets ingredient Ergotamine View larger

Cafergot Ergotamine 1 Mg 20 Tablets


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Cafergot 1 Mg 20 Tablets ingredient Ergotamine

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Cafergot Tablet is taken by mouth.

The active ingredient contains

mg ergotamine tartrate and 100 mg caffeine.


Tartaric acid, magnesium stearate, talc, modified corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, yellow iron oxide (E172).

Please read this INSTRUCTIONS carefully before using this medicine, as it contains important information for you.

Keep these instructions for use. You can need to read again.

• If you have other questions, please talk your doctor or pharmacist.

• This medicine has been prescribed for you personally, please do not give it to others.

• When using this medicine, tell your doctor that you are taking this medicine when you go to a doctor or hospital.

• Follow the instructions in this manual. Do not use high or low doses other than the recommended dose for the drug.

In these Instructions for Use:

1. What is CAFERGOT and what is it used for?

2. Things to consider before using CAFERGOT

3. How to use CAFERGOT

4. What are the possible side effects?

5. CAFERGOT storage

headers are included.

2. What is CAFERGOT and what is it used for?

CAFERGOT is a yellowish, white checkered, rounded, flat, sloped, tablet with a one-percent slit notch.

CAFERGOT is available in blister packs and cardboard boxes containing 20 tablets.

CAFERGOT contains 1 mg of ergotamine tartrate as active ingredient and 100 mg of caffeine.

Ergotamine is included in a group of drugs called una ergot alkaloids Er. Caffeine increases the absorption of ergotamine in the body, helping this component to act better and faster.

CAFERGOT is used for the treatment of migraine attacks and migraine varieties that do not respond to mild painkillers.

These headaches are thought to result from transient changes in the size of small vessels in the brain. These vessels expand, causing pain and frequent visual disturbances during attacks. CAFERGOT narrows the veins to return to their normal size and thus stops the attack.

CAFERGOT is used only for the treatment of migraine attacks. It is not used for protection from attacks before formation of attacks.

CAFERGOT is not suitable for some headache types. Your doctor will determine the best treatment for your

headache 3. How to use CAFERGOT?

Instructions for proper use and dose / frequency of application the instructions of

Carefully observe your doctor. The instructions given by your doctor may differ from the instructions in this manual.

Your doctor will tell you exactly how much you should take CAFERGOT tablets. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

If you do not understand the instructions in these instructions, ask your doctor or pharmacist for help.

Before using this medicine;

If you smoke, tell your doctor about

excessive nicotine in cigarettes, "ergotism" (extreme narrowing of the arteries) is may increase the likelihood of effective undesired side (See for more information: Chapter 4.Possible Side Meat clay Why are there?) Section bkI/.

• Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any other medicine, food, paint or preservative. Your doctor will want to know if you are prone to allergies.

The following doses may be recommended:


Take 1-2 tablets of CAFERGOT when the first sign of a migraine attack occurs.

This dose is usually sufficient to stop the attack, but if your migraine does not pass, your doctor may increase the number of tablets up to 4 tablets within 24 hours.

Do not use more than 4 tablets daily or 8 tablets weekly.

If you use CAFERGOT too much or too often, the risk of) ergotism owner or side effects such as connective tissue formation (retroperitoneal or pleural tuberculosis fibrosis) on the lung membrane or in the space behind the abdominal membrane increases (see section 4. Possible).side meat clay What are theer?).

According to your response to treatment, your doctor may recommend a higher or lower dose.

The route and method of

administration of the CAFERGOT are for oral use only.

Swallow tablets with some water.

Different age groups

Use in children Use in

elderly People in

elderly Use in


Specific use

Conditions Kidney / Liver failure: CAFERGOT should not be used in patients with severe renal or hepatic impairment (See DO NOT use CAFERGOT in the following cases).

Patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment, and in particular those with cholestasis (deceleration or stopping of bile flow due to an intramuscular cause) should be properly monitored (See CAFERGOT CAREFULLY in the following cases).

If you CAFERGOT have an impression that is too strong or too weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.


overdose symptoms If you Some symptoms of overdose

Nausea, vomiting, confusion, accelerated heartbeat, lack of pulse, low blood pressure, pain in the hands and toes, coldness or pale or bluish color, numbness or tingling, dizziness, dizziness, breathing difficulties, shock, coma.

Treatment: If

you believe you have accidentally taken more CAFERGOT tablets than your doctor told you (or have someone else), contact your doctor immediately or contact the nearest hospital's emergency department. Do this even if there are no signs of discomfort or poisoning.

If CAFERGOT you have used more than, talk to a doctor or pharmacist.

If you have forgotten to use CAFERGOT, do not

take double doses to compensate for forgotten doses.

Effects after CAFERGOT is discontinued You may

experience side effects such as headache, fatigue, runny nose and muscle pain.

4. What are the possible side effects?

Like all medicines, CAFERGOT may have side effects in people who are sensitive to the substances contained in its contents.

Common: Dizziness, nausea and vomiting (non-migraine), abdominal pain.

Uncommon: numbness in the arms and legs, bruising, narrowing of peripheral veins (peripheral vasoconstriction), diarrhea, pain and weakness in the arms and legs.

Rare: Hypersensitivity reactions (skin rash, pruritus or hives; swelling in the face, tongue or other part of the body; wheezing or breathing difficulty), dizziness (vertigo), slowing of heart beats, acceleration of heart beats, heart valves connective tissue (fibrotic) changes, increase in blood pressure, hives (urticaria), muscle pain (myalgia), absence of pulse, stroke, changes in blood tests, ergot alkaloids poisoning (ergotism).

Very rare: chest pain, heart attack, tissue death (gangrene) due to insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle (myocardial ischemia).

Drugs containing ergotamine, if used over an extended period of time, may be a symptom of dyspnea, dry cough, pain in the chest, rib in the ribs and the space behind the abdomen, especially in the presence of thickening of the lung tissue, especially in the presence of thickening of the lung tissue. or pain on the side may cause thickening of the abdomen, which may cause urinary tract obstruction.

Caffeine-containing medications can cause unwanted effects such as anxiety, tremors, sweating, and rapid heartbeat.

CAFERGOT 'drug-induced headache has been reported for a long period of uninterrupted treatment.

Tell your doctor if you feel anything else that makes you feel unwell.

side effects

CAFERGOT considerations before using Do not use

CAFERGOT in the following cases


• If you are allergic to the active ingredients (ergotamine or caffeine) contained in CAFERGOT or any of the other ingredients listed at the beginning of these instructions for use (symptoms of allergic reaction; difficulty in breathing, wheezing or breathing, face, lips, tongue or other of the body). areas may include swelling, rash, itching, or rash on the skin),

If you have high blood pressure that cannot be controlled uncontrollably, If you have

circulatory disorders in the peripheral arteries, obstructive vascular diseases, cardiovascular disease

,cases of microbial infection (septic) and shock,

Severe kidney or If you have liver disease,

if you have temporal arteritis which is inflammation of the located vessel in the head,

• If you have migraine, basilar capable of hemiplegic migraine or vertigo, which is a migraine varieties that can lead to stroke,

to use in combination with other drugs

to use in combination with other drugs

■ also in the veins If you are using other drugs that provide relation (for example, other ergot alkaloids, including sumatriptan and other 5-HT 1 receptor agonists) (See Use with other drugs),

■ If you are pregnant and are planning on becoming pregnant or breastfeeding your baby.

■ Children under 12 years of age.

Ergotamine may cause heart failure (myocardial ischemia) or heart attack (myocardial infarction) in patients with no history of coronary heart disease due to vasoconstrictor effects.

Patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment and those in which the bile flow slows down or stops (cholestasis) should be monitored appropriately.

In addition, if migraine (antimigraine) drugs need to be used, it should be ensured that they do not contain any products containing ergotamine.

Drugs containing ergotamine, including CAFERGOT, can cause connective tissue (fibrotic) changes, especially in the lung membrane and in the space behind the abdominal membrane, if used excessively over the years. It is reported that connective tissue changes can also be seen in the heart valves.

CAFERGOT has been reported to develop headache due to drug over a long period of uninterrupted treatment.

Very few of the patients using propranolol, a type of drug used for the treatment of diseases related to heart and blood pressure with ergotamine-containing preparations, have contractile (vasospastic) reactions in the vein

veins of the because of the prolonged contraction of the vessels. should be avoided daily or at higher doses than recommended.

Be careful if you are using drugs such as nefazodone, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine for mental disorders.

If you smoke (nicotine in cigarettes may increase your risk of experiencing side effects called, ergotamine trip (see section 4. What are the possible side effects?

) consult your doctor if you have used.

these warnings, if the past any time, even if it applies to you, please consult your doctor.

cafergot food and use ofto

avoid drink for the cAFERGOT using grapefruit juice drink.grapefruit juice can interfere with the effects cafergot of your body.


consult your physician before using the drug or ask your pharmacist.

If you plan if you are pregnant or become pregnant Do not use CAFERGOT.

your doctor during pregnancy can discuss with you the risks of using this medication.

consult your doctor or pharmacist if you notice that you are pregnant during treatment.


Before using the medication, consult your doctor or pharmacist, and

the active ingredients in the CAFERGOT content (ergotamine or caffeine) can pass into breast milk and affect your baby. Therefore, nursing mothers should not use CAFERGOT.


Be careful when vehicles and machinery and doing other tasks that require you to be alert until you understand how CAFERGOT affects you.

CAFERGOT may cause vertigo (dizziness caused by impaired balance) or dizziness in some people.

Do not use any tool or machine if you encounter such a situation.

CAFERGOT Important information about some of the ingredients found in the content of

with other medicines for use with antibiotics climate is,

erythromycin azithromycin, clarithromycin, spiramycin,as macrolide

did quinupristin telithromycin,dalfopristin, tetracycline antifungal

ketoconazole,miconazole, itraconazole, posaconazole, voriconazole

Antiviral used in HIV treatment amprenavir, indinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir, atazanavir, efavirenz.

5HT1 agonists Almotriptan

used in the treatment of migraine, rizatriptan, sumatriptan, zolmitriptan, eletriptan, frovatriptan


• Drugs used for the treatment of low blood sugar. For example, ephedrine HCl,

Beta blockers

metaraminol Drugs used in the treatment of heart diseases such as propranolol, propranolol and atenolol, angina and other heart disorders.


General anesthetics

such as halothane.