Celebrex 200 Mg 20 Capsules ingredient Celecoxib View larger

Celebrex 200 Mg 30 Capsules ingredient Celecoxib


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Celebrex 200 Mg 30 Capsules ingredient Celecoxib

You should read this USING INSTRUCTIONS carefully before you start using this medicine, because it contains important information for you

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Auxilliary substances: Lactose monohydrate, sodium lauryl sulphate, PolyVidon-K30, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, gelatin, golden yellow (SB-3002), shellac, dehydrated alcohol (E1034800), isopropyl alcohol, butyl alcohol (E1013200) propylene glycol, strong ammonia solution, yellow iron (III) oxide (E172)

You should read this USE INSTRUCTION carefully before you start using this medicine, because it contains important information for you.

• Keep these instructions for use. You can need to read again.
• If you have other questions, please talk your doctor or pharmacist.
• This medicine has been prescribed for you personally, do not give it to others.
• When using this medicine, tell your doctor or doctor if you go to the hospital.

• We sleep exactly as written in this instruction. Do not use high or low doses other than the recommended dose for the medication.

In this Instructions for Use:
1. What is CELEBREX and what is it used for?
2. Things to consider before using CELEBREX
3. How to use CELEBREX?
4. What are the possible side effects?
5. CELEBREX hiding
Their headlines are in place.

1. What is CELEBREX and what is it used for?
CELEBREX is a capsule form of celecoxib containing active substance. They are sold in blister packs of 30 capsules.
CELEBREX is a subgroup of drugs known as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), known as COX-2 inhibitors. Your body produces a group of chemicals called prostaglandins, which play a role in the development of pain and inflammation (inflammation). In diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, which is a chronic (chronic) disease that causes pain, swelling and deformity in joints, and osteoarthritis, also known as arthritis, which is caused by joint erosion, your body produces more prostaglandin than normal.

CELEBREX acts by reducing the production of prostaglandins and thus by reducing pain and inflammation.

CELEBREX is a chronic disease that causes pain, swelling and deformity in joints, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, which is known as arthritis and arthritis, which is the result of articular wear and often affects the waist, back and neck areas, is used to alleviate the symptoms and signs of ankylosing spondylitis, a disease that can cause deformity (crook). In addition, acute musculoskeletal system pain is also effective in removing post-operative pain (post-operative pain) and menstrual pain.

2. Things to consider before using CELEBREX
Your doctor has prescribed you CELEBREX. The following information will help you get the best possible results with CELEBREX. If you have any other problems, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.
CELEBREX may increase the risk of thrombotic events, myocardial infarction, and stroke in the severe cardiovascular system, which can be fatal. The risk for all inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is similar. This risk may increase with dose, duration of use and initial cardiovascular risk factors. Patients with known cardiovascular disease may be at greater risk.
CELEBREX is contraindicated in the perioperative period in patients who have undergone coronary bypass (see section
CELEBREX may be used to treat patients with pain, fever and inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) at any time in the treatment of severe gastric-ulcerative atrophy, such as bleeding, ulceration and stomach uptake in the stomach, small or large intestine, intestinal events can be seen.
DO NOT USE CELEBREX in the following situations
Notify your doctor if you need to use CELEBREX if the following conditions apply to you:

• You are allergic (hypersensitive) to any of the active ingredients celecoxib or other components of CELEBREX.
• If you have already had an allergic reaction to a group of drugs called "sulfonamides".
• If you have an ulcer or an ulcer or bleeding in your bowel.
• Asthma attack as a result of taking acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) or other antiinflammatory and analgesic drugs (NSAIDs) may cause asthma attack, severe nasal congestion, or an irritation such as itchy skin rash, swelling in face, lips, tongue or throat, difficulty in breathing or wheezing if you develop an allergic reaction
• If you are pregnant or have an effective birth

If you are not using the control method and if you are likely to become pregnant while the treatment is under way, you should discuss your birth control methods with your doctor.

• If you are breastfeeding.
• If you have severe liver disease.
• If you have severe kidney disease.
• One of inflammatory bowel diseases called ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
• If you have heart failure, diagnosed ischemic heart disease (eg infarction) or cerebrovascular (which affects brain vessels); for example, heart attack, stroke or transient ischemic attack (temporary decrease in blood flow to the brain, also known as "mini stroke"), chest pain attacks, or blockage in the blood vessels to the heart or brain.
• If you have existing or past blood circulation problems (peripheral arterial disease) or if you have undergone surgical intervention in the arteries of your legs.
• If you have open heart surgery (by-pass), you should not use CELEBREX before or after surgery.
Use CELEBREX CAREFULLY in the following situations
Check with your doctor whether the following are valid for you.

• If you have ulcers or bleeding beforehand or in your intestines. (Do not take CELEBREX if you have active ulcers or bleeding in your bowels.)
• If you are taking acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) (even if the dose is low enough to protect the problem from related problems)
• If you use medications (blood thinners) to reduce blood clotting (eg, warfarin)
• If you are taking CELEBREX with other non-acetylsalicylic NSAID drugs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac. (Avoid using these drugs together.)
• If you smoke, you have diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
• Your heart, liver or kidneys are not working well; In these cases, your doctor may want to check you regularly.
• If there is fluid retention (normal water impaction in the body) (such as swelling of the ankles and feet, edema).
• If there are various conditions, such as diarrhea or the use of diuretics (diuretics), there is dehydration (less water in the body).
• You have developed a serious allergic reaction or serious skin reaction (such as severe redness, swelling, itching) against any illness.
• If you feel sick with the cause of the infection or if you think you have an infection; CELEBREX may mask fever and other signs of infection and inflammation (inflammation).
• If you are over 65 years old; your doctor may want to check you regularly.
As with other NSAID drugs (eg ibuprofen or diclofenac), this medication can lead to an increase in your blood pressure (your blood pressure), so your doctor may want you to regularly monitor blood pressure.

Some severe liver reactions have been reported with CELEBREX, such as severe liver inflammation, liver damage, and liver failure (which may be fatal in some cases or may require transplantation of the liver). At the time of the onset of the reaction to the beginning of the reaction, the vast majority of severe liver reactions occurred within one month after the start of treatment.
Please consult your doctor if these warnings apply to you, even at any time in the past.

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this medication.
CELEBREX should not be used by women who are pregnant or who are likely to become pregnant while they are on treatment (that is, women who do not use appropriate contraception and who have childbearing potential). If you become pregnant during CELEBREX treatment, you should stop treatment and contact your doctor for alternative treatment.
If you notice that you are pregnant during your treatment, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this medication.
CELEBREX should not be used during breastfeeding.

Vehicle and machine use
Before using a car or a machine, you must be aware of how you react to CELEBREX. If you experience dizziness, dizziness or drowsiness after taking CELEBREX, do not drive or use the machine until these effects have passed.
Important information about some of the auxiliary substances contained in CELEBREX
This medicine contains 0.875 mg of sodium in each capsule. Given the amount of sodium it contains, no side effects are expected.
This medicine contains 49.8 mg of lactose per capsule. If you have already been told by your doctor that you are intolerant to some sugars, you should consult your doctor before using the medicine.

Use with other medicines
Some medicines may increase or decrease blood levels of other medicines, including CELEBREX, thereby reducing their effects.
• Dextromethorphan (used for cough treatment).
• ADE inhibitors or angiotensin II antagonists (used for high blood pressure (blood pressure) and heart failure.

• Diuretics (diuretics) (used for the treatment of excess fluid in the body)
Fluconazole and rifampicin (used to treat infections caused by fungi and bacteria).
• Warfarin or other oral anticoagulants ("blood thinners / blood thinners" drugs that reduce blood clotting)
• Lithium (used in some types of depression and mania).
• Some other medicines for the treatment of depression, sleep disorders, high blood pressure (tension) or irregular heartbeat (heart rhythm disturbance).
• Neuroleptics (used in the treatment of some mental disorders).
• Methotrexate (used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, psoriasis, and blood cancer (leukemia)).
• Carbamazepine (used in the treatment of epilepsy / seizures and some types of pain or depression).
• Barbiturates (used in the treatment of epilepsy / seizures and some sleep disorders).
• Cyclosporine and tacrolimus (used to suppress the immune system, eg after organ transplants).
When used in conjunction with alcohol and SSRIs (used in the treatment of depression) (eg citalopram, paroxetine fluoxetine, sertraline), it may increase the risk of bleeding in the stomach intestinal tract.
The use of oral corticosteroids in patients with NSAIDs increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

CELEBREX may be taken with acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) in low doses (75 mg or less per day). However, the risk of ulcers may increase. Before taking these medicines together, consult your doctor. If you are using botanical products together, inform your doctor.
Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are using or have recently used any medicine with or without a prescription.

3. How to use CELEBREX?
Instructions for proper use and dose / application frequency:
Always take CELEBREX exactly as your doctor tells you. If you are unsure, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Your doctor will explain which dose you should take. It is important that you use the lowest dose that can control your pain and that you do not take CELEBREX longer than necessary to improve your symptoms, as the risk for side effects associated with heart problems increases over time with dosage and use.
If you do not see any benefit from the medication within two weeks after the start of treatment, contact your doctor.
You should not use CELEBREX more than 400 mg daily.

The recommended daily dose for degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis) is 200 mg, and your doctor may increase the maximum daily dose to 400 mg if needed.
The daily dose of medicine is usually administered as follows:

• once a day 200 mg capsules or
• one 100 mg capsule twice a day
The recommended daily dose for inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis) is 200 mg, and your doctor may increase the maximum daily dose to 400 mg if needed.
The daily dose of medicine is usually administered as follows:
• one 100 mg capsule twice a day
For ankylosing spondylitis, the recommended daily dose is usually 200 mg per day, and your doctor may increase the maximum daily dose to 400 mg if needed.

The daily dose of medicine is usually administered as follows:
• once a day 200 mg capsules or
• one 100 mg capsule twice a day
For the acute musculoskeletal system, post-operative pain and menstrual pain: It is advisable to start with an initial dose of 400 mg, followed by an additional 200 mg, if needed on the first day. On the ongoing days if necessary 200 mg twice a day.

Application path and method:
CELEBREX should be taken with mouth water. It can be taken at any time of day, by meals or alone. However, try to take doses of CELEBREX every day at the same time.

Different age groups:
Use in children:
CELEBREX is for adults only, not for children.
Use in the elderly:
If you are over 65 years old and your body weight is under 50 kg, your doctor may want to monitor you more closely.

Special use cases:
Kidney or liver failure:
If you have liver or kidney problems, make sure your doctor knows this because you may need it at a lower dosage.

If you have an impression that the effect of CELEBREX is too strong or weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
If you use more CELEBREX than you need:
You should not take more medication than your doctor recommended.
If you have taken more CELEBREX than your German (the amount your doctor advised), consult a doctor or pharmacist. Drug boxes are on your way to the meeting

If you forget to use CELEBREX:
If you forget to take CELEBREX, you will be taken as soon as you remember.
Do not take double doses to compensate for forgotten doses.
CELEBREX treatment can be terminated by:
Sudden withdrawal of your CELEBREX treatment can lead to a worsening of your symptoms. Do not stop taking CELEBREX unless your doctor has a recommendation in this direction. Your doctor can tell you to reduce your dose for a few days before leaving CELEBREX completely.
If you have any other questions about the use of this medicine, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

4. What are the possible side effects?
As with all medicines, there may be side effects in people sensitive to the ingredients in the CELEBREX.
The frequency of side effects is defined as shown in the following categories:
Very common: Side effects in 10 or more of the patients
Common: Adverse effects observed in at least one in 10 patients, but in 100 or more patients
Uncommon: Less than one in 100 patients, but one in 1000 or more Observed side effects
Rare: Less than one in 1000 patients, but one in 10,000 or more
side effects observed in excess
Fertility is unknown: It is not predictable by moving from the available data.
If any of the following occurs, stop using CELEBREX and tell your doctor or your emergency department of your nearest hospital:
• An allergic reaction such as skin rash, swelling of the face, wheezing or difficulty in breathing

These are all very serious side effects.
If one of these is present in you, you have a serious allergy against CELEBREX. You may need to be admitted to an emergency medical intervention or hospital.
If one of the following is observed, stop taking it and tell your doctor immediately:
• Heart problems such as chest pain
• Signs of severe stomach pain or bleeding in the stomach or intestines, eg black or bloody stools or blood vomiting
• Skin reaction such as rash, bubbles or deep peeling
• Hepatic insufficiency (symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, jaundice (yellow color of your skin or eye).
• Increased blood pressure or worsening of existing blood pressure

Other side effects
Very common side effects:
• High blood pressure (blood pressure)
Common side effects
• Liquid accumulation in the body causing swelling in ankle, legs and / or hands
• Urinary tract infections
• Symptoms such as shortness of breath, sinusitis (clogging of the air cavities in the facial bones and / or infection due to infection), nasal obstruction or discharge, sore throat, cough, cold soreness
• dizziness, difficulty sleeping
• Heart attack
• Vomiting, stomachache, diarrhea, indigestion, gas extraction
• Rash, itching
• Muscle stiffness
• worsening of existing allergies
• Swallowing difficulty
Uncommon side effects:
• Stroke
• Heart failure, palpitation, increase in heart rate
• Worsening of blood pressure
• Abnormalities in liver blood tests
• Abnormalities in renal blood tests
• Anemia (a feeling of fatigue in red blood cells and a reduction in breathing)
• Anxiety / anxiety, depression, tiredness, drowsiness, tingling sensation
• High blood potassium levels (can cause nausea, fatigue, muscle weakness, or palpitation)
• Damaged or blurred vision, tinnitus, mouth pain and sores, hearing difficulty
• Constipation, belching, stomach inflammation (indigestion, stomach ache or vomiting), worsening of gastric or intestinal inflammation
• Leg cramps

• Puffy, itchy rash (hives) Rare side effects:
• Stomach, food borne or intestinal ulcers (bleeding); or intestine rupture (may cause stomachache, fever, nausea, vomiting, intestinal obstruction), dark or black stools, food borne inflammation (may cause swallowing difficulty), pancreatitis (can lead to stomach ache)
• Reduction in the number of white blood cells (white blood cells, playing a role in protecting the body from infections) and platelets (increased likelihood of bleeding or bruising)
• Difficulty in coordinating muscle movements
• Sensation of confusion, changes in object tastes
• Increased sensitivity to light
• Hair loss
Additional side effects have been reported as a result of the use of CELEBREX in clinical practice (post-marketing experience). The frequency of these side effects is unknown, but it is generally accepted that they are very infrequent (affecting less than 1 in 10 000 individuals):
• Intracerebral hemorrhage leading to death
• Severe allergic reactions (including potentially fatal anaphylactic shock) that can lead to skin rash, swelling in the face, lips, mouth, tongue or throat, wheezing or breathing difficulty and swallowing difficulty
• Stomach or bowel bleeding (may lead to bloody stool or vomiting), bowel or colon inflammation, nausea
• Stevens-Johnson syndrome (inflammation of the skin and around the eyes, swelling and reddening inflammation), exfoliative dermatitis and toxic epidermal necrolysis (skin rashes, bubbles may lead to peeling) and acute diffuse exanthematous pustulosis , swollen areas), such as severe skin disorders
• Hepatic insufficiency, liver damage and severe liver inflammation (sometimes fatal or liver transplant is necessary). Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes), dark urine, light color stool, easy bleeding, itching or chills
• Kidney problems (kidney failure, kidney inflammation)
• Blood clot formation in the blood vessels in the lungs. Symptoms may include sudden breathing difficulty, sharp pain when you breathe, or fainting.
• Heartbeat irregularity (rhythm impairment)
• Meningitis (inflammation of the membrane around the brain and spinal cord)
• Hallucination (imagination)
• Sara disease worsens (more frequent and / or severe seizures)
• Blood vessel inflammation (can lead to fever, pain and deep purple stains)
• Congestion leading to partial or complete loss of vision in an eye in an artery or vein, intraocular inflammation, bleeding in the eye
• Reduction in the number of red, white blood cells and platelets (which can lead to fatigue, easy bruising, frequent nose bleeds, and increased risk of infection)
• Chest pain
• Deterioration of odor
• Deep color change (bruising), muscle pain and weakness, painful joints
• Menstrual irregularities

• Headache, facial flush
• Low blood sodium levels (loss of appetite, headache, nausea, muscle cramps and muscle weakness)
• Aseptic meningitis
• A hypersensitivity condition (Eritema multiforme), which usually occurs spontaneously, produces redness similar to hand, face and leg lace,
• Inflammation (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) with blood and skin around the eyes and swelling and redness
• Severe disease (toxic epidermal necrolysis) with droplet-filled bubbles in the deep
400 mg of Celebrex a day. In the clinical trials in which the dose was used for 3 years, the following additional side effects were observed:
• Heart problems: Anjina (chest pain)
• Stomach problems: irritable bowel syndrome (such as stomachache, diarrhea, indigestion, gas extraction)
• Kidney stones (can cause stomach or back pain, blood in urine), difficulty in urination
• Getting fat
• Deep vein thrombosis (blood clots usually found in the leg veins may cause calf pain, swelling or redness or breathing problems)
• Stomach problems: Gastric infection (which can lead to irritation and ulcers in the stomach and intestines)
• Lower extremity (hip-to-foot region) fracture
• Shingles, skin infection, eczema (dry, itchy rash), pneumonia (pneumonia, cough, fever, difficulty in breathing)
• Floating dots that cause blurred or distorted vision in the eye, vertigo (dizziness) caused by inner ear problems, sensitive, inflamed or bleeding gums, mouth sores
• frequent urination at night, hemorrhoid hemorrhoids, increased bowel movements
• Fat deposits, ganglion cysts (swelling around the joints and tendons on hands and feet, or harmless swelling on the tendons), speech difficulty, abnormal or very severe vaginal bleeding anywhere on the dee or in the body,
• High blood sodium levels
If you encounter any side effects not mentioned in these instructions for use, please inform your doctor or pharmacist.

5. How to Storage CELEBREX?
Keep CELEBREX in places and in its packaging where children can not, can not reach.
It is stored at room temperature below 30 ° C.

Use in accordance with the expiration date.
Do not use CELEBREX after the expiration date on the packaging.