Claritine (Claritin) 10 Mg 20 Tablet ingredient loratadine View larger

Claritine (Loratadine ) 10 Mg 20 Tablet


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Claritine (Claritin) 10 Mg 20 Tablet ingredient loratadine

CLARITINE 10 mg tablet
It is taken orally.
• Active ingredient: Loratadin.
Each tablet contains 10 mg loratadine.
• Adjuncts: Lactose monohydrate, corn starch and magnesium stearate.

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You should read this USE INSTRUCTION carefully before you start using this medicine, because it contains important information for you.
• Save these instructions for use. You can need to read again.
• If you have any further questions, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.
 This medicine has been prescribed for you personally, do not give it to others.
 Tell your doctor if you go to a doctor or hospital when using this medicine.
 We sleep exactly as written in this instruction. Do not use high or low doses other than the recommended dose for the medication.
In this Instructions for Use:
1. What is CLARITINE and what is it used for?
2. Things to watch out for before using CLARİTYN
3. How to use CLARITINE?
4. What are the possible side effects?
5. Storing CLARITINE
Their headlines are in place.
1. What is CLARITINE and what is it used for?
CLARITINE is oval tablets with white and bejar close color, "10" on one side, and notch on the other side.
CLARITINE contains loratadine, which is a member of a class of drugs called "antihistamines" as the active ingredient.
CLARITINE helps to reduce your allergy symptoms by stopping the effects of a substance called "histamine" produced by your body when you are allergic to anything.
CLARITINE is indicated for the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria, seasonal and chronic (perennial) allergic rhinitis. CLARITINE also helps to alleviate symptoms (itching and redness), commonly known as urticaria.
CLARITINE's effect lasts all day and will help you maintain normal daily activities and sleep patterns.
If you do not feel better and feel worse, you should definitely talk to your doctor.
2. Things to watch out for before using CLARITINE
DO NOT USE CLARITINE in the following situations:
- You are allergic to Loratadin or one of the excipients in this medicine.
Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse before taking CLARITINE:
- If you have liver disease.
-If any skin test is done for allergies. Do not take CLARITINE TABLET for two days before these tests because the test results may be affected.
If any of these warnings apply to you or you are unsure, speak to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse before taking CLARITINE TABLETIN.
Use of CLARITINE with food and drink
CLARITINE can be turned on or off.
CLARITINE has not been shown to enhance the effects of alcoholic beverages.
Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this medication.
If you are pregnant or you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medication.
If you notice that you are pregnant during your treatment, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this medication.
If you are breastfeeding your baby, do not use CLARITINE. Loratadin mother goes to bed.
Vehicle and machine use
At the recommended doses, it is unlikely that CLARITINE will cause you to be asleep or lose your attention. Very rarely, however, some people may develop sleepiness, which can affect driving or machine use.
Important information about some of the ancillary substances contained in CLARITINE
CLARITINE contains lactose; If your doctor tells you that you are tolerant of some sugars, you should consult your doctor before using this medicine.
Use with other medicines
Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are using or have recently used any medicine with or without a prescription.

Psychomotor performance studies have shown that when taken with CLARITINE alcohol, there is no potent effect on alcohol effects.
A medical herb and used for adjunctive treatment in mild-to-moderate depression. John's wort, loratadine can change the absorption values.
If you are using any of the following medications, consult your doctor or pharmacist before starting CLARITINE treatment.
• Erythromycin (antibiotic)
• Ketoconazole (used in the treatment of fungal infections)
• Simetidine (reduces stomach acid production)
These drugs can lead to an increase in loratadine levels, leading to an increase in unwanted events.
3. How to use CLARITINE?
Instructions for proper use and dose / application frequency
CLARITINE should always be taken as instructed in these instructions for use, or as instructed by your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. If you are unsure, consult your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.
The notch on the tablet is intended not to divide the tablet into equal doses, but to facilitate breaking the tablets for ease of swallowing.
Application path and method
It is for oral use only. You can use it on an empty stomach or with foods.
Different age groups:
Use in children:
CLARITINE Syrup for children may be more appropriate. It is important that you know your child's body weight to make sure that you give the right amount of medicine. For example, a 9-year-old child has a body weight of 30 kg. If you are unsure, weigh your child and then follow the instructions given in the table.
Do not give children under 2 years of age with a body weight of 30 kg or less.
How long should it be used?
How much should he take?
How often should he take it?
Children between the ages of 2 and 12, body weight more than 30 kg       1 x tablet     Once a day
Children and adults over 12 years     1 x tablet   Once a day
if you have serious liver problems, your doctor or pharmacist can tell you to take the recommended dose every other day. If this is true for you, follow your doctor's instructions.

Do not give CLARITINE to children between the ages of 2-12 and less than 30 kg of body weight or children under 2 years of age. There are other formulations that are more suitable for children between 2 and 12 years of age with body weights less than 30 kg.
Special use cases:
Kidney failure, liver failure:
Dosage adjustment is not necessary for patients with renal insufficiency. CLARITINE, a patient with severe hepatic impairment, should be treated with caution.
If you have an impression that the effect of CLARITINE is too strong or too weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
If you use more CLARITINE than you need
If you use more than you need to use CLARITINE, talk to your doctor or pharmacist immediately. No serious problems are expected, but you can experience headaches or drowsiness, or your heartbeat can accelerate.
If you use CLARITINE and need more, talk to a doctor or pharmacist.
If you forget to use CLARITINE
If you forget to take your dose, you will realize that you forget, this is the desire and the next dose is always taken at the hour.
Do not take double doses to compensate for forgotten doses.
If you have any other questions about the use of this medicine, do not ask your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.
4. What are the possible side effects?
Like all medicines, this medication can also cause side effects, but they do not appear in any kind.
The unwanted events are listed below according to the system organ class. The frequencies are defined as follows:
In different organ systems;
It is very common (≥ 1/10), diffuse (≥ 1/100 to <1/10), non-diffuse (≥ 1 / 1,000 to <1/100)
(≥ 1 / 10,000 to 1 / 1,000), very infrequent (<1 / 10,000), unknown (can not be estimated from the given data).
Side effects reported in children between 2 and 12 years include:
Side effects reported in children and adults over 12 years are:

Increased appetite
Sleeping difficulty
During the period when Loratadin was in the market, the following side effects were observed:
Very rare:
Severe allergic reaction
Fast or irregular heartbeat

Oral establishment
Stomach anomalies
Liver problems
Hair loss
If you notice any side effects not mentioned in these instructions for use, inform your doctor or pharmacist.
Reporting side effects
Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse if you have any side effects that are included or not in the Instructions for Use. Also located on the side effects site you encounter "Drug Side Impact Statement" by clicking on the icon or 0800314 00 08 number of side effects by calling the notification line Turkey Pharmacovigilance Center (TÜFAM) 'What do you notice. By reporting side effects, you will contribute to learning more about the safety of the medicine you are using.
5. Storing CLARITINE
Keep CLARITINE in places where children can not, can not reach, and in their packaging.
It should be stored at room temperature below 30 ° C.
Do not freeze.
Store the bottle in the outer carton to protect it from the light.
Use in accordance with expiration dates.
Do not use CLARITINE after the expiration date on the packaging. The expiration date refers to the last day of the month.
Do not use this medicine unless you notice any changes in the appearance of the tablets.
Medicines should not be disposed of with household waste or sewage. We do not have any problem with your pharmacy how you will take your medicine you do not use anymore. These measures will help protect the environment.