Dilatrend 6.25 Mg 30 Tablets ingredient Carvedilol View larger

Dilatrend (Carvedilol) 30 Tablets

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Dilatrend 6.25 Mg 30 Tablets ingredient Carvedilol

• Excipient (s):

Lactose, sucrose, povidone K25, crospovidone, colloidal anhydride silica, iron oxide yellow,

iron oxide red, magnesium stearate.

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Pleasethis INSTRUCTIONS carefully before using this medicine

read, as it contains important information for you.

• Keep these instructions for use. You can need to read again.

• If you have other questions, please talk your doctor or pharmacist.

• This medicine has been prescribed for you personally, please do not give it to others.

• Whenthis medicinedoctor that you are taking this medicinego to a doctor or hospital

using, tell yourwhen you.

• Follow the instructions in this manual. Dohighother than the recommended dose for the

not useor low dosesdrug.

In these Instructions for Use:

1. What is DILATREND and what is it used for?

2. Things to consider before using DILATREND

3. How to use DILATREND

4. What are the possible side effects?

5. Storage of the DILATREND

1. What is DILATREND and what is it used for?

DILATREND contains an active substance called carvedilol. This is included in a group called d beta-blockers Bu. Dilatrend used in the treatment of the following conditions:

• High blood pressure (hypertension)

• angina (heart you have enough chest pain or discomfort that occurs when receiving oxygen)

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• Chronic heart

failure,your doctor may give you other medicines to treat your condition outside dilatrend.

2. Things to consider before using


if:You are

•allergic to any of the contents of Carvedilol or DILATRENDIf you

•have had wheezing in your chest for asthma or other lung diseases.

• If you experience severe fluid retention (intravenous) treated with intravenous medication (swelling of the hands, wrists and feet).

• If you have liver disease.

• If there is a problem in your heart (eg 'heart block' or heart rate slowing). DILATREND is less suitable for people with certain types of heart problems.

• If your blood pressure is low.

• Metabolic acidosis (if your blood has an elevated acid level)If your

•adrenal glands are growing (pheochromocytoma),


:If you have

•discomfort in your kidneys.

• If you have diabetes (high blood sugar).

• If you are using contact lenses.

• You have had a history of thyroid discomfort.

• If you have had a severe allergic reaction (for example, the body suddenly swells, resulting in difficulty breathing and swallowing, swelling of the hands, feet, and wrists, severe rash).

• If you are allergic and receive treatment that will make you sensitive.

• If you have problems with your blood circulation in your fingers or fingers (Raynaud's phenomenon)

• After taking drugs from the group of beta-blockers, you have had skin disease called 'psoriasis'.

• Steven-Johnson syndrome (skin peeling, swelling, blisters, and severe disease characterized by fever) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (characterized by the intradermal blisters peeling and loss of tissue morbidity)of severe skin reactions on  such as

These warningsdevelopment,past any Pleaseif it is valid for you even if it is in a period

consult your doctor.


should be taken with DILATREND water. DILATREND should be given with food in patients with chronic heart failure.

Pregnancy You

should consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine.

There is not enough data on the use of DILATREND in pregnant women. DILATREND shouldnecessary

not be used during pregnancy unless.

If you discover that you are pregnant during your treatment,doctor or pharmacist immediately

consult your.


Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine.

It is not known whether DILATREND has passed into human milk. Thewhether breastfeeding or the

decisiontreatment ofto the benefit of breastfeeding for the child and the benefit of

DILATREND should be givenDILATREND for the woman.

Whenvehicle and machine

using theDILATREND, you may experience dizziness. Thisstartwhen

is moreoccur when youtreatment ortreatment is changed and you consume alcohol

likely to. If you are experiencing dizziness, do not use any tools or machines

.driving, driving, or using a machine while receiving a DILATREND

If you experience any problems that may affect your, consult your doctor.

Important information about some of the excipients contained in DILATREND

This medicine contains sugar types, lactose and sucrose. If you have been tolddoctor that you have

by yourintolerance to some sugars,taking this medicinal product

contact your doctor before.

Use with other medicines In

particular, pleasedoctor or pharmacist if you are using the following medications

inform your.

•diuretics, calcium channel blockers (eg diltiazem or

Otheruse to treat your heart and blood pressure, includingverapamil)

medicines you

• monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI), such as isocarboxoxide and phenelzine (of depression

used in the treatment).

• Drugs used for diabetes, such as insulin and metformin.

• Clonidine (high blood pressure, migraine and menopausal flushes

used to treat). Rifampicin (used for the treatment of infections)

• Cimetidine (to treat digestive dysfunction, heartburn and gastric ulcers


• Cyclosporine (used after organ transplantation)

• Fluoxetine (used for the treatment of depression)

• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin , such as indomethacin and ibuprofen)

• Beta blockers (chest tightness, feelingasthma due to wheezing or other breastrelated

likethat is used in the treatment ofdisorders salbutamol and terbutaline sulfate medications)

If you are using prescription or over the counter any drug currently or have recently used the please contact your doctor or inform your pharmacist.

3. How to use DILATREND

• Instructions for proper use and dose / frequency of administration:instructed

Always take DILATREND exactly asby your doctor.unsure

Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are.

Chronic heart failure When

used for heart failure, treatment with DILATREND is required by a specialist.

You should take the tablets together with the food.

The normal start is 3.125 mg twice a day for two weeks.

Your doctor will then gradually increase the dose up to 25 mg twice daily. If your weight is greater than 85 kg (187 lb), the dose can be increased up to 50 mg twice a day.

If you have stopped taking DILATREND for more than two weeks, you should talk to your doctor. It will be necessary to return to the initial dose.

High blood pressure: The

normal initial dose is 12.5 mg once daily for two days. After two days, the dose is usually 25 mg once a day.

If your blood pressure is not controlled, your doctor may gradually increase the dose up to 50 mg by spreading over weeks.

If you are old, you may not need more than 12.5 mg of medication once a day to check your blood pressure.

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Angina: The

initial dose is 12.5 mg twice a day for two

days. After two days, it is 25 mg twice daily.

• Method and method of administration:

Swallow each tablet with a glass of liquid.

• Different age groups:

Use in children:

DILATREND is not suitable for use in children under 18 years of age.

Use in the elderly:

Your doctordecideyour initial dose and the best dose you should take for a long time

willon. The normal maximum dose isonceday in smaller doses (by dividing doses)

50 mga.

• Specific Use Cases:

Renal insufficiency:

According to available data on patients with varying degrees of renal impairment,

changes in the carvedilol dose scheme are not recommended in patients with moderate to severe renal impairment.

Liver failure:

Carvedilol should not be used in patients with hepatic impairment.

Your doctor will determine the dose of your medication depending on your disease and apply it to you.

if you feel the effect of DILATREND is too strong or too weak

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

used more DILATREND than:

If youyou shouldIf you have received more DILATREND than you should use, or if someone else has taken your DILATREND tablets, consult your doctor or go to the hospital immediately. Take the medicine package with you.

If you take more tablets than you need, the following effects may occur:

• slowing down your heartbeat

• feeling dizzy and dizziness

• breathless

• excessive fatigue.

Talk to a doctor or pharmacistyou have used more than you should use from DILATREND


If you forget to use DILATREND If you

forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if the next dose is near the time of taking, skip the missed dose.

Do not take double doses to compensate for forgotten doses.

Do not stop

using this medication before talking to your doctor. Your doctor will advise you to stop taking DILATREND slowly within 1 to 2 weeks if you leave. If you have any further questions regarding the use of this medicine, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

4. What are the possible side effects?

Like all medicines, DILATREND may have side effects in people who are sensitive to the substances contained in its contents.

Side effects are classified as follows:

Very common: It can be seen in at least 1 of 10 patients.

Common: Less than one in 10 patients, but more than one in 100 patients.

Uncommon: Less than one in 100 patients, but more than one in 1,000 patients.

Rare: Less than one in 1,000 patients, but more than one in 10,000 patients.

Very rare: less than one in 10,000 patients.

Unknown: unpredictable.

Very common:

• Feel of dizziness

• Headache (this is usually mild and is seen at the beginning of your treatment)

• Feeling of weakness and fatigue

• Heart-related disorders. Symptoms include chest pain, fatigue, breathlessness, and swelling of the arms and legs.

• Low blood pressure. Symptoms include dizziness and dizziness, especially when you get up.


• Inflammation of the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, pulmonary inflammation, inflammation of the nose and throat. Symptoms include wheezing and / or intermittent breathing, chest tightness, and pain in the throat.

• Inflammation in the excretory system (may cause water excretion)

Reduction of red blood cells. Symptoms include feeling tired, pale skin color, palpitation, and difficulty breathing.

• Increase in weight • Increase in

cholesterol levels (indicated by blood test)

• Decrease in blood sugar control in people with diabetes

• Feeling depressedFeeling of

•dizziness or dizziness when the heartbeat slows and stands up (These effects are usually seen at the beginning of your treatment)

• Fluid retention. Symptoms include, for example, swelling of the hands, feet and legs, and an increase in the amount of blood in your body.

• Diseases associated with blood circulation in the arms and legs. Symptoms include cooling in the hands and feet, whitening of the skin, tingling and pain in your fingers, and worsening leg pain when you want to walk.

• Breathing problems

• Feeling sick and sick.

• Diarrhea

• Problems with vision

• Dryness in the eyes due to reduced tears

• Dizziness, tiredness and headache (these effects are usually mild and occur at the beginning of your treatment)

• Stomach pain. Symptoms include feeling sick, stomach ache and diarrhea.

• Pain in the hands and feet

• Kidney problems (including changes in the frequency of going to the toilet)


• Fainting

• Sleep disorders

• Loss of sensation in hands or feet

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