Flucan 150 Mg 6 Capsules ingredient fluconazole equivalent of Diflucan View larger

Flucan (Fluconazole,Diflucan ) 150 Mg 6 Capsules


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Flucan 150 Mg 6 Capsules ingredient fluconazole equivalent of Diflucan

FLUCAN® 150 mg capsule
(For 1 capsule)
It is taken orally.
• Active ingredient: Each capsule contains 150 mg fluconazole.

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Adjuncts: Lactose, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulphate
You should read this USE INSTRUCTION carefully before you start using this medicine, because it contains important information for you.
• Keep these instructions for use. You can need to read again.
• If you have other questions, please talk your doctor or pharmacist.
• This medicine has been prescribed for you personally, do not give it to others.
• When using this medicine, tell your doctor or doctor if you go to the hospital.
• We sleep exactly as written in this instruction. Do not use high or low doses other than the recommended dose for the medication.
In this Instructions for Use:
1. What is FLUCAN and what is it used for?
2. Things to watch out for before using FLUCAN
3. How to use FLUCAN?
4. What are the possible side effects?
5. FLUCAN hiding
Their headlines are in place.

1. What is FLUCAN and what is it used for?
The blue number 1 contains white powder in the capsule.
FLUENT is one of a group of medicines called antifungals and used against fungal diseases. The active substance is fluconazole.
FLUENT is used to treat infections caused by fungi, including yeast. The most common cause of fungal infections is a yeast called Candida.
Your doctor will give you genital canker for infection in the vagina or penis.

2. Things to watch out for before using FLUCAN
• If you were allergic to the following:
• to any component of FLUCAN
• Other medicines you take to treat fungal infections.
Symptoms may include itching, skin redness, or difficulty in breathing.
• If you are taking antihistamine terfenadine or astemizole to treat allergies
• If you are taking cisapride for stomach spoilage
• If you are a schizophrenic patient and you are taking pimozide, which is an effective (antipsychotic) drug in the treatment of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and psychotic depression
• If you are taking medication containing quinidine for cardiac arrhythmia
USE SIGNIFICANT FLUCAN in the following situations
• younger than 16 years
• If you have liver or kidney problems
• If your blood potassium, calcium, or magnesium levels are abnormal
• If you have a serious illness, especially AIDS and cancer
• If you are taking medication that potentially damages or irritates more than one simultaneous liver, and if there is underlying disease that will kill your liver tissue (hepatic necrosis). If your liver is damaged or irritated by FLUCAN, it is recyclable. Your doctor will follow you in case of serious liver damage during treatment, if necessary, it may break your medicine.
• If rash skin reactions such as toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome develop. Your doctor may discontinue your treatment if a hypersensitive state develops, such as a fluid-filled bubble-like disorder, or a spontaneous redness, usually on the hand, face and legs.
• If you are taking a medication that contains less than 400 mg of terfenadine daily and is used in the treatment of allergy
• Very severe response to allergy-causing substances in the body, if sudden hypersensitivity develops
• If there is imbalance (electrolyte impairment) in the adjacent ions and minerals
• If you are using other drugs with FLUCAN

If you are taking concomitant medications that are not destroyed by an enzyme CY3A4 in the liver but known to prolong QT interval in the record of electrical activity of the heart (ECG)
Some azole group drugs, including fluconazole, showed a prolonged interval in the electrical activity record of the heart (ECG) called the QT wave.
• If you have heart disease, including heart rhythm problems
• If there is a condition that can lead to serious pulse irregularity and sudden death in the congenital or documented heart
• If you have a sudden onset or continuing illness in your heart, especially if you have heart failure
• If your heart beats less than 60 minutes (sinus bradycardia)
Please consult your doctor if these warnings apply to you, even at any time in the past.
Use of FLUCAN with food and drink
There is no special situation in this regard.
Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this medication.
Do not use FLUCAN during pregnancy unless your doctor tells you the opposite.
If you notice that you are pregnant during your treatment, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
Do not use FLUCAN during breastfeeding.
Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this medication.
Vehicle and machine use
It should be noted that occasional dizziness or seizures may occur when using a vehicle or machine.
Important information about some auxiliary substances in the content of FLUCAN
This medicinal product contains lactose. If you are already told by your doctor that you are unstable against some sugars, you should consult your doctor before taking this medicinal product.
Use with other medicines
As they should not be taken with FLUCAN, inform your doctor immediately.
• If you are taking a medication containing terfenadine or astemizole, an antihistamine to treat allergies
• If you are taking a medication containing cisapride for stomach disturbance
• If you are a schizophrenic patient and are taking an antipsychotic medication containing pimozide
• If you are taking medication containing quinidine for cardiac arrhythmia

The use of FLUORINE with erythromycin, an antibiotic, is not recommended.
If you are taking any of the following medicines, tell your doctor. Some medications that may interact with FLUORINE include, inter alia, the use of precautions and dosing with these medicinal products:
• Alfentanil used in anesthesia, fentanyl
• Amitriptyline and nortriptyline used in the treatment of depression
Amphotericin B for severe fungal diseases
• Warfarin (or similar medicines) for blood thinning to prevent blood clots.
• An antibiotic azithromycin
• Benzodiazepines, such as midazolam, triazolam, which help to sleep or worry, anxiety
• Calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine, isradipine, amlodipine, verapamil, and felodipine, which are used to lower blood pressure and are also used in some cardiac diseases
• Celecoxib used in the treatment of joint calcification
• Cyclophosphamide used in cancer treatment
Halofantrin used in the treatment of malaria
• HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors used for lipid disorders, metabolized with CYP3A4 such as atorvastatin and simvastatin or with CYP2C9 such as fluvastatin
• Losartan, the blood pressure lowering agent
• Metadone used in the treatment of heroin dependence
• Naproxen, lornoxicam, meloxicam, diclofenac pain, fever and inflammatory drugs
• Oral contraceptives, birth control pills
• Endogenous steroids
• Prednisone for acute organ rejection and antiinflammation
• Serinavir used in the treatment of AIDS disease
• Vinka alkaloids used in the treatment of various cancers
• A Vitamin
• Diabetes drugs such as chlorpropamide, glibenclamide, glipizide or tolbutamide
• Water tablets, such as hydrochlorothiazide, used to treat fluid retention and high blood pressure
• Phenytoin used to control the palace, carbamazepine
• Antibiotics for infections such as rifampicin or rifabutin
• Cyclosporine or tacrolimus to prevent organ transplant rejection
• Theophylline used to control asthma
• Zidovudine, also known as AZT, used in patients infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Voriconazole used to prevent fungal infections
Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are using or have recently used any medicine with or without a prescription.

3. How to use FLUCAN?
Instructions for proper use and dose / application frequency:

Genital canker
A single dose of 150 mg
A dose of 150 mg once a month may be used to reduce the incidence of recurrent vaginal fungal disease. Your treatment should be between 4 and 12 months, with change from person to person. Some diseases may need to be given more often.
The treatment of couples with symptomatic genital fungal disease will be taken into consideration by your doctor.
Your doctor may begin treatment before the results of your culture and other laboratory work are known. When the results are clear, the treatment will be regulated by your doctor as required.
The treatment of the spouse / partner of the referring patient with a mushroom complaint should also be assessed.
Application path and method:
It is taken orally.

Vaginal cannabis (candidal balanitis) treatment is taken as a single capsule by mouth. Capsules should be swallowed as a whole with a glass of water.
Your medicine can be taken on hungry or on the stomach.
Different age groups:
Use in children:
A single dose of fluconazole is not recommended for use in children under 16 years of age except for the supervision of a physician.
Use in the elderly:
Normal adults will be given if you do not have problems with your kidneys.
Special use cases:
Kidney failure:
A single dose does not require dose adjustment in case of need. Your doctor can change your dose depending on your kidney infection.
Liver failure:
Not available.
If you have an impression that the effect of FLUCAN is too strong or weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. 5
If you use more FLUCAN than you need:
You do not get more than your doctor tells you. If you have taken too many FLUCAN, you may feel bad.
If you use FLUCAN, you should talk to a doctor or pharmacist if you have used too much.
If you forget to use FLUCAN:
Do not take double doses to compensate for forgotten doses.
Effects that may occur when treatment with FLUENT is discontinued:
Do not stop taking FLUCAN unless your doctor tells you. Your doctor will determine the best method for you when you need to stop taking FLUCAN. If you have any problems with using FLUCAN, consult your doctor.

4. What are the possible side effects?
As with all medicines, there may be side effects in people sensitive to substances in the FLUCAN content.
Serious allergic reactions are rare, but several people have allergic reactions. If you experience any of the following symptoms, tell your doctor immediately:
• Sudden wheezing, difficulty in breathing or choking
• Swelling on eyelids, face or lips
• itching, skin red or itchy red stains on the whole body
• Skin rash
• Severe skin reactions such as rash that may cause wrinkling (may also affect mouth and tongue).
• If you are an AIDS patient, you are more likely to show severe skin reactions to drugs, including FLUCAN.
The side effects are listed as shown in the following categories.
Very common: at least 1 index of 10 patients can be seen.
Common: less than one in 10 patients, but more than one in 100 patients.
Uncommon: less than one in 100 patients, but more than one in 1,000 patients.
Rare: 1,000 cases can be seen in less than one patient.
Very rare: 10,000 can be seen in less than one patient.
Unknown: Can not be predicted by moving from the available data.
Very common side effects seen in at least 1 out of 10 patients:
• Feel the patient
• nconvenience in the stomach

• Diarrhea
• Gas
• Rash
• Headache
These side effects are mild side effects. If you feel uncomfortable or if you continue for a long time consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Other side effects:
• Itching
• Disease
• Seizure
• Reduction in the number of white blood cells
• Kanda high cholesterol, fat or salt levels
• Damage to the liver and yellowing of the eyes and deep (jaundice)
• Hair loss
• Drowsiness
• Taste disorder
• Change in heart rhythm
• Insomnia
• Sleepiness
• Muscle aches
• Fatigue
• Dizziness due to impaired balance (vertigo)
If you encounter any side effects not mentioned in these instructions for use, please inform your doctor or pharmacist.
5. FLUCAN hiding
Keep FLUCAN in places and in its packaging that children can not see, can not reach.
Store at room temperature below 30 ° C.
Use in accordance with the expiration date.
Do not use FLUCAN after the expiration date on the packaging.