Nitroderm TTS 30 Patch View larger

Nitroderm TTS 30 Patch

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It is used by sticking on the skin.

Active ingredient
Each 20 cm 2 through-through tape contains 50 mg of nitroglycerin.

Silicone oil 360, aerosil 200, ethylenevinylacetate copolymer, medical adhesive CH 15, polyethylene terephthalate.

1. What is NITRODERM TTS and what is it used for?

NITRODERM TTS contains 50 mg of nitroglycerin per 20 cm2 transdermal patch.

The number used in the product name (TTS 10) indicates the actual amount (in mg) of nitroglycerin released from the system within 24 hours.

NITRODERM TTS; It is presented in boxes containing 5 and 30 sachets.

NITRODERM TTS belongs to a group of drugs that dilate blood vessels, called nitrates.

This drug is used to prevent or reduce the frequency of attacks of chest pain (angina) caused by the narrowing/occlusion of the vessels feeding the heart. NITRODERM TTS works by widening the blood vessels and thus making it easier for the heart to perform its functions. It may also be used for other conditions, depending on your doctor's judgment.

2. How to use NITRODERM TTS?

Your doctor will decide what kind of patch you should use and how many patches you should apply according to your needs (NITRODERM TTS 5 or 10).
Your doctor will also tell you when and how often to change your patch. Follow your doctor's instructions carefully. Do not exceed the recommended dose.
In general, treatment is started with the smallest patch size (NITRODERM TTS 5) and the dose is increased gradually.
In most patients, one NITRODERM TTS 10 patch is sufficient.
Do not use more than two NITRODERM TTS 10 patches at once.
Depending on your response to treatment, your doctor may recommend a higher or lower dose.
Normally, you would put on a new patch once a day, usually in the morning.
Your doctor may tell you not to wear the patch for 8-12 hours every 24 hours, usually at night (called the patch-free period).
If you think your medicine is not effective, tell your doctor.
Application route and method

Where should you apply the patch?

Pick any area of ​​skin on your torso or upper arm. The skin in the area you have chosen should not be inflamed, cracked or irritated. To help the patch adhere, the skin should be clean, lint-free, dry and free of any lotions, oils, or powders. Apply the patch to a different skin area each day. Wait a few days before applying to the same area.

3. What are the possible side effects?

Like all medicines, there may be side effects in people who are sensitive to the substances contained in NITRODERM TTS.

The following side effects may occur and disappear during treatment. Usually, these effects do not require medical treatment, but if any of them persist for more than a few days or are severe, consult your doctor.
Very common side effects:

Affecting 10 or more of every 100 patients.
Common side effects:

Affecting 1 to 10 of every 100 patients.
Headache that may require treatment with a mild pain reliever
Uncommon side effects:

Affecting less than 1 in 100 patients.
Skin irritation: The skin under the patch may be slightly red or itchy. This will disappear within a day after the patch is removed.
Skin allergies: The skin under the patch may become very red, swollen, or blistered. If you develop a generalized rash covering a large skin area, tell your doctor.
Rare side effects:

Affecting 1 to 10 of every 10,000 patients.
facial redness; Dizziness due to a sudden drop in blood pressure, felt when standing up suddenly from a lying or sitting position. Standing up slowly can help. If you feel dizzy, sit or lie down.
fast heartbeat
feeling dizzy
Very rare side effects

Affecting less than 1 out of every 10,000 patients.
Other side effects of unknown frequency

Number of affected patients cannot be calculated from available data
Palpitations: feeling of abnormal heartbeat. If this affects you seriously, call your doctor.
Generalized (general) rash.

If any of these side effects affect you severely, tell your doctor.

3. Things to consider before using NITRODERM TTS
DO NOT USE NITRODERM TTS in the following conditions


    If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to nitroglycerin or any of the excipients contained in Nitroderm TTS, or to nitrates or nitrites.
    If you have impaired circulation with very low blood pressure, such as in cases of shock.
    If you have a headache, vomiting or seizures due to an increased intracranial pressure (a condition that your doctor will know and let you know about)