Prednisolon 1 ML 25 Mg 5 Ampoules ingredient oseltamivir View larger

Prednisolon (oseltamivir) 1 ML 25 Mg 5 Ampoules


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Prednisolon 1 ML 25 Mg 5 Ampoules ingredient oseltamivir

PREDNISOLON Bulb Balls are used intravenously, intramuscularly, intramuscularly or by injecting into the lesion.

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Active ingredients: 25 mg of prednisolone in each ampoule. Excipients: Glycerol contains formal, 1.3 butylene glycol, sodium chloride and water for injection.

Before using this medicine, please read this INSTRUCTURE carefully because it contains important information for you.

• Keep these instructions for use. You can need to read again.

• If you have other questions, please talk your doctor or pharmacist.

• This medicine has been prescribed for you personally, please do not give it to others.

• When using this medicine, tell your doctor that you are taking this medicine when you go to a doctor or hospital.

• Follow the instructions in this manual. Do not use high or low doses other than the recommended dose for the drug.

In these operating instructions:

• What is the PREDNISOLON and what is it used for?

• Things to consider before using


• What are the possible side effects?


Headers are included.

1. What is the PREDNISOLON and what is it used for?

PREDNISOLON is 3-4 times more potent than cortisol, a natural hormone secreted from the adrenal gland.

PREDNISOLON contains 25 mg of prednisolone in each ampoule.

PREDNISOLON acts against inflammation and allergy and suppresses the immune system in high doses.

It is clean, clear, slightly dense, fluid liquid. There are 5 and 25 bulbs in the box.

Pred SOLO following cases gathers used intravenously, subcutaneously or intramuscularly:

• Hormonal disorders:

• where cortisone hormone Adrenal reduced secretion

• Surgical treatment of individuals with known adrenal gland failure, in the presence of a particular condition, such as infection

• congenital adrenal in case of excessive work

• non thyroiditis in related to infection

• in the case of cancer-related calcium elevation

• Rheumatic diseases: acute exacerbation as an adjunctive treatment briefly

• post-traumatic joint inflammation

• Synovial fluid inflammation

• inflammation of the present bursa called fluid bag around joints

• Tennis elbow (epicondylitis)

• Inflammation of the muscles and girder sheathsInflammation

•of the joints due to gout (gout)Inflammation

•of the joints due to psoriasis

• Ankylosing spondylitis (more so holding murga and diseases that limit the movement of the spine)

• polymyalgia rheumatica (especially in the morning on the shoulders and thighs characterized by severe muscle aches)

• Repeated cartilaginous of inflammation (polychondritis)

• Certain vasculitis (vein inflammation) cases

•Acute rheumatic fever

• collagen tissue diseases: It can be used as maintenance therapy in an acute exacerbation or in selected cases:

• Systemic lupus erythematosus (inflammatory connective tissue disease)

• Systemic dermatomyositis (more often the inflammatory disease affecting the skin and skeletal muscles)

• Sjogren's syndrome (a rheumatic disease that also holds salivary and tear glands)

• rheumatism disease of children and adults

• systemic necrotizing vasculitis (which can keep all the systems that develop due to inflammation of the vessel wall) and life-threatening diseaseinvolving the

• Takayasu arteritis (vessel formed by inflammationaorta and its main branches) inflammation)

• Wegener's granulomatosis (a type of vasculitis affects small and medium-sized arteries are surrounded by muscle layer).

• Polyarteritis nodosa (a connective tissue disease)

• Skin diseases:

• Pemphigus, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, exfoliative dermatitis, bullous dermatitis, bullous pemphigoid, herpetiformis, severe seborrheic dermatitis, severe psoriasis, heavy urticaria and mycosis fungoides called skin and subcutaneous It is used in the suppression of dangerous skin diseases such as fluid, blood collection, skin peeling, and heavy rashes.

• Allergic conditions: used in severe allergy conditions that do not respond to other therapies:

• Allergic skin diseases such as allergic asthma, contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis

• Serum disease with signs of joint pain and skin symptoms, fever, fatigue

• Seasonal response to treatment in adults and children or persistent allergic rhinitis with nasal, sneezing, nasal discharge

• Drug allergies

rash• Skin rashes after blood supply,

• Swelling of the breath pipe

• Eye diseases: Used to treat short-term or long-lasting allergic and inflammatory conditions involving the eye and surrounding tissues. In addition, when an eye is damaged, it is used in unexplained inflammation and inflammation of the temporal artery (temporal arteritis).

• Gastrointestinal system diseases:

• It is used to overcome the critical period of the disease in special intestinal inflammation called ulcerative colitis and regional enteritis.

• Autoimmune hepatitis (liver disease), eosinophilia, gastro-enterohepatitis, autoimmune pancreatitis (pancreatic inflammation) and diseases such as inflammation of the esophagus is used during the healing period.

• Respiratory diseases:

• symptomatic sarcoidosis, beriliyoz, lung diseases such as aspergillosis

• Eosinophils tested in blood cells increase in navigating due to uncertain pneumonia

•The non-allergic asthma

• The development of erectile called fibrosis in the lungs

• respiratory tract blocking the exacerbation of diseases such as chronic bronchitis

• severe or widespread lung TB

•used especially if you restrict swelling, breathing in the lymph nodes in conjunction with other treatment for tuberculosis, lung disorder due to parasitic diseases (Loeffler's syndrome)

• caused by escaping food lung pneumonia a

• difficult breathing as distorting oxygenation pneumocystis carinii called microbe developed pneumonia lung disease

• Blood disorders:

• Anemia due to breakdown of red blood cells

• Bleeding of the platelets and hemorrhagic fissures such as a pinhead in the skin hemorrhage due to platelet deficiency,

• Red blood cell reduction alone (congenital or postpartum),

• Blood diseases such as a special type of anemia called Diamond-Blackfan anemia, which manifests in the first 2 months of life

• Brain tumors, acute GVHD, spinal cord compression and vena cava In the treatment of patients with superior syndrome

• Neoplastic diseases:

• Can be used as additional treatment in blood cancer (leukemia) or lymphatic cancer.

• It can be used as a supportive treatment in the treatment of cancer chemotherapy and nausea related to radiotherapy.

• Inflammatory conditions: Used in patients with nephrotic syndrome with or without lupus (a special type of renal failure in which the protein is abundantly excreted and therefore swelling of the body in the body, called edema)

• Other:

• Tris disease involving the heart or the nervous system a parasite)

• It can be added to the treatment used against this microbe in meningitis caused by TB microorganism • It is

used if tissue rejection occurs after organ transplantation.

• Injection into the joint or soft tissue: inflammation of the joint fluid due to calcification, rheumatism, inflammation of the fluid sac called the bursa, inflammation of the joint in drop disease, tennis elbow, inflammation of the muscle beam and sheath, inflammation of the joints and bones after trauma

• Injections into the lesion: It is used in diseases such as irregular wound healing, lichen planus, plaque of psoriasis, granuloma annulare, simple lichen, discoid lupus, diabetic fatty tissue necrosis, partial hair loss (alopecia areata), skin diseases such as nerve sheaths or fluid filled tumors in beams.

2. Things to consider before using the

DO NOT usefollowing cases,If you have

PREDNISOLON in the•been told that you have allergies to Prednisolone or any of the excipients in the PREDNISOLON bulb,

• If you have a widespread infection,

• Your stomach or twelve fingers intestine If you have active ulcers (wounds),If you have a

•fungal infection spread to three organs,

• If bone marrow is diagnosed,

• In live vaccines,

• In BCG-vaccinated lymphoma patients,

• If there is glaucoma,

• A severe muscle disease (myasthenia gravis not included).

• Circumstances that should not be performed in and around the joint are infections in the joint or joint. It should not be applied directly into the muscle or into the spine joints.

Pred and inspiration if USE D CAREFULLY in the following cases

• If during treatment Kaposi develop a skeletal muscle cancer is rare, called sarcoma

• If you are receiving treatment with long-term steroid (your adrenal glands do not cut suddenly treatment will stop or will reduce the hormone producing function of their own)

• If you are being treated for a long time interfering illness, surgery or trauma situations may increase your need for medication. Consult your doctor.

• The immune system can be suppressed, so the sensitivity to infections increases (especially avoid chickenpox and measles patients. If you have contacted, tell your doctor immediately).

• Tuberculosis, amoeba and healthy people can often cause an increase in infections caused by organisms that do not cause disease (opportunistic infections).

• Serious infections may occur in patients with strongiloides in their intestines.

• It is not recommended to use malaria in patients holding the brain.

• Care should be taken when vaccinating. Live vaccines should be avoided. Dead vaccines cannot be sure of their effectiveness.

• In postmenopausal women, osteoporosis should be considered.

• In patients whose blood pressure is high, and heart failure,

• severe mood disorders in patients (depression, severe mental disorders in patients with pretreated with such drugs), those with psychological disorders

• Sugar in patients who have diabetes in their family

• TB or patients who have undergone prior TB disease

• Eye Intraocular pressure and high-person or family in patients with such diseases

• liver and kidney failure patients

• Sara (epilepsy) patients

• corticosteroid therapy with muscle weakness in the patient revealed

• with stomach complaints

• ulcerative colitis, abscess, those with bowel diseases such as diverticulitis (bleeding and perforation increased risk

• in people who have undergone new bowel surgeryin patients with

•thyroid gland

patients with liver cirrhosis

overdose • in• In herpes zoster infections or in vision nerve infections in the

eye virus and fungal infections

• Should be used with caution in the elderly

• Children should be carefully monitored for growth because they can do growth retardation.

• Patients who receive treatment for longer than 6 weeks, those who receive daily doses of more than 40 mg, patients undergoing repeated corticosteroid therapy, abrupt discontinuation of the drug in patients taking the drug dose usually in the evening should be slowed down as they may produce cutting findings such as exacerbations of the disease.

If these warnings are valid for you, even at any time in the past, please consult your doctor.

PREDNISOLON's use of food and beverage: diet during treatment; potassium, protein and rich in vitamins, fat, carbohydrate and sodium should be poor.


Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine. The PREDNISOLON ampoule can be used with caution in pregnancy, if required by the physician.

5 If

you are aware that you are pregnant during treatment, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.


Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine. However, it should be used with caution if deemed necessary by the physician. The growth and development of the baby should be monitored.

Vehicle and machine use PREDNISOLON has no influence on the vehicle and the machine.

Important information on some excipients in the content of PPREDNISOLON contains sodium. However, this amount is too low to prevent your diet.

Use with other drugs

• Cyclosporin, methotrexate (drugs used in immune diseases)

• Ritonavir (used in the treatment of virus diseases)

• Oral contraceptives (increases the effect of PREDNISOLON).

• Ketoconazole (used in fungal diseases)

• Barbiturates (sleeping drugs)

• Drugs used in the treatment of epilepsy such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, primidone, aminoglutethimide

Antibiotics such as rifampicin, rifabutin, isoniazid

•• Mifepristone (known as abortion)

• aspirin and steroid Non-inflammatory relieving drugs (stomach complaints increase)

• Reduces the effects of vaccines and toxoids.

• Blood thinning drugs (bleeding functions should be monitored more closely)

• Drugs used in sugar treatment (dose adjustment may be necessary)

• Blood pressure medicines and diuretics (their effects may be reduced)

• Diabetes mellifluids which increase the excretion of potassium, amphotericin (antibiotic effective in the treatment of fungus) anddelivery of

• Theophylline, which is used in the treatment of asthma, decreases the amount of potassium when used in combination with bambuterol, fenoterol, formoterol, salbutamol, salmeterol and terbutaline and ritodrine used in thehigh doses of theophylline used in the treatment of asthma.

• Somatotropin

• Corticosteroids can suppress the reaction to skin tests for allergy.

• Combination of anticholinesterase agents and corticosteroids in patients with muscle weakness called myasthenia gravis may cause severe muscle weakness.

Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are currently using any prescription or non-prescription medication or if you have recently used it.

3. How to use the PREDNISOLON?

Instructions for proper use and dose / frequency of administration: Your doctor will determine the amount of dose you will take based on the type of disease and the duration of your disease and the duration of treatment with PREDNISOLON. Especially in long-term applications, it is preferable to administer the dose in the morning. In adults, it is usually started with 50 mg in the newly developed inflammatory conditions and 25 mg in cases that continue for a longer period of time. Higher doses may be used in severe diseases. The dose is then gradually reduced to the maintenance dose. It is recommended not to exceed 7.5 mg daily for long-term use. In the joint application, the physician will inject 5-25 mg into or around your joint depending on the size of the joint. This treatment can be applied to up to 5 joints in one day.

Method and method of administration: PREDNISOLON can be administered by the physician into the intravenous, intramuscular, intraarticular or articular or lesion. The bulb must be shaken before use.

Different age groups:

Use in children The dose to be taken in children will be calculated by the physician according to the body weight. Growth in infants, children and adolescents should be closely monitored. Use in the elderly

should be used with caution because the undesirable effects are more common.

Special use cases:

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